∙What is NSDL Consolidated Account Statement (CAS)? 
 NSDL CAS is a single account statement consisting of transactions and holdings in investor's demat account(s) held with NSDL and CDSL as well as in units of Mutual Funds held in Statement of Account (SOA) form. 
∙Why and When CAS was introduced? 
 Pursuant to the Interim Budget announcement in 2014 to create one record for all financial assets of every individual, SEBI had with the Depositories, AMFI and RTAs of Mutual Funds (MF-
RTAs) to implement the aforesaid concept decided to enable a single consolidated view of all the investments of an investor in securities held in demat form with the Depositories as well as in Statement of Account (SOA) form with Mutual Funds (MF). 
∙When does one receive CAS? 
 As per SEBI guidelines, if there is any transaction in any of the demat accounts of an investor or in any of his/her mutual fund folios, then CAS will be sent to the investor in the next month in 
respect of transactions executed in previous month along with the holdings. Hence, if investor has done transaction(s) in every month, then he/she will get CAS every month. However, in case there is no transaction in any of the mutual funds folios and demat accounts in any month of the year, then CAS with holding details will be sent to the investor on half yearly basis viz., CAS will be sent with holdings as on March and September end in the next month viz., April and October respectively. 
∙What is the basis for Consolidation of portfolios to be considered for CAS? 
 As per SEBI guidelines, consolidation of account statement is done on the basis of Permanent Account Number (PAN). In case of multiple holding, it is based on a PAN of the first holder and pattern of holding. Based on the PANs provided by the AMCs/MFRTAs, the Depositories match the PANs available in the demat account of the clients to determine the common PANs and allocate the PANs among themselves for the purpose of sending CAS. For PANs which are common between Depositories and AMCs, the Depositories send the CAS. 
∙If an investor is having multiple demat accounts across the depositories, which depository will send the CAS to investor?  
 In case investors have multiple demat accounts across the two depositories (i.e. with NSDL and CDSL), the depository having the demat account which has been opened earlier shall be the default depository which will consolidate details in respect of demat accounts across depositories and MF investments and dispatch the CAS to the investor. 

∙Can an investor request for change of default depository to receive the CAS? 
 Yes, in case the investor wishes to choose NSDL instead of CDSL as its preferred depository, the investor will have to inform their preference to the default depository, which is CDSL in their case, and approach Depository Participant of CDSL where investor is holding a demat account. 
∙Why should investor choose NSDL as Preferred Depository for receiving CAS? 
 NSDL CAS will enrich investor’s experience of managing his/her portfolio effectively and benefit him/her in many other ways viz. better decision making, simplified monitoring, rich analysis of portfolio etc. Some of the value adds of NSDL CAS are as under: 
  1. Summary of portfolio investments across entire holdings in demat as well as Statement of Account (SOA) form 
  2. Asset-wise classification of portfolio 
  3. Graphical representation 
  4. View of demographic details across demat account(s) and MF folio(s) 
∙Which asset classes are covered in NSDL CAS? 
 NSDL CAS provides details of transactions and holdings across various asset classes that are held in investors. demat account as well as Mutual Fund folios. Such asset classes would include 
Equities, Warrants, Preference Shares, Mutual Fund units held in demat form, Corporate Bonds, Money Market Instruments, Securitized Instruments, Government Securities, Postal Saving 
Scheme held in demat form, MF units held in SOA form in Mutual Fund Folios etc. 
∙Which transactions are included in NSDL CAS? 
 NSDL CAS will include all types of transactions executed in demat mode & financial as well as non-financial transactions such as New Fund Offer, fresh purchase, additional purchase, redemption, switch in and out, dividend reinvestment, dividend accrued, systemic transaction such as SIP / SWP / STP, bonus, merger, etc. as provided by the MF-RTAs to NSDL in respect of Mutual Funds folios. 
∙Can an investor opt out of the facility of receiving CAS? 
 Yes. If an investor does not wish to receive CAS he should inform the same to any of his Depository Participant (DP) who will update the same in the depository system. 
∙Whether NSDL CAS will separately represent my MF investments in demat form and MF Folio? 
 Yes. The holdings of Mutual Fund units held in demat account(s) and units held in SOA form in MF folio(s) are shown separately with proper notation. 
∙Suppose I hold MF units in the dematerialised mode and not in SOA form, will I still get NSDL CAS? 
 If you are holding MF units only in dematerialised mode and does not hold MF units in SOA form then instead of NSDL CAS, you will receive demat account statement from NSDL consisting of your holdings in MF units in dematerialised mode. 
∙What should an investor do to ensure receipt of NSDL CAS by Physical? 
 To ensure receipt of NSDL CAS by physical the investor should inform NSDL Depository Participant along with consent for receiving transaction statements by physical. 
∙What if there are no transactions in demat & MF folio for a long period? 
 In case there is no transaction in any of the mutual fund folios and demat accounts then CAS with holding details will be sent to the investor on half yearly basis. However, in case of demat 
accounts with nil balance and no transactions in securities and in mutual fund folios, investor will receive one physical statement every year.  
∙To which address will the NSDL CAS be sent if I have provided different addresses in the MF folios? 
 In case investor has multiple accounts across the two Depositories as well as MF folio, the Depository having the demat account which has been opened earlier shall be the default 
depository and the NSDL CAS will be sent at the address available in such a demat account. Further, if investor has opted to receive the Transaction statement through email, then email ID available in demat account of the investor is considered for sending NSDL CAS through email. 
∙Why should investor opt for receiving NSDL CAS by email (NSDL e-CAS) rather than receiving the same in physical form? 
 Faster mode of receiving NSDL CAS, No need of storage of physical CAS, Restricted access of CAS  only to the recipient that too with feature of password protection, Interactive PDF statements with more appealing view & Easy retrieval of old statements 
∙How can the investor open the password protected NSDL E-CAS?  
 Investor will be required to enter PAN of the first/sole demat account holder in capital letters as a password to open the E-CAS. 
∙Whether NSDL e-CAS would be password protected? If yes, how the investor would be able to open NSDL e-CAS? 
 Yes, NSDL e-CAS would be a password protected digitally signed PDF file. Investor will be required to enter PAN of the first/sole demat account holder in CAPITAL letters as a password to open the same 
∙If for any reason I need a duplicate NSDL CAS, what is the procedure I should follow? 
 The investor can download the duplicate E-CAS statements from NSDL website by registering for Internet Based Demat Account Statement (IDeAS) facility through our website 
https://eservices.nsdl.com to subscribe for Consolidated Account Statement through email (i.e. e-CAS). Investor may able to view the e-CAS which is sent by NSDL in previous twelve months.  
∙Will I have option to change the mode from Physical to Email and vice-versa for NSDL CAS? 
 Yes. For subscribing to NSDL e-CAS you may visit NSDL CAS website - https://nsdlcas.nsdl.com/ and follow the necessary steps under option “SUBSCRIBE TO E-CAS” in order to enable us to send CAS to you in electronic form on your desire email address OR contact your Depository Participant for this purpose. To change mode from email to physical, contact your Depository 
Participant. Depository Participant will then submit your request to NSDL. 
∙For change in my Email ID or Address or any other details with regard to NSDL CAS whom should I contact? 
 The procedure to change the client details in respect of demat accounts in the depository system will remain unchanged. Such request shall be forwarded to the respective Participants, where investor maintains the demat account. 
∙In case of any discrepancy in NSDL CAS, what should one do? 
 In case of any queries/ clarifications on NSDL CAS, you may drop an email to Nsdl-cascomplaints@nsdl.co.in; or write to us at Officer In-Charge, Investor Relationship Cell, National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), 4th floor, Trade World, A wing, Kamala Mills Compound, S B Marg, Lower Parel West - Mumbai – 400 013 
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