Q. 1 What is SPEED-e?
SPEED-e is a common Internet Infrastructure that enables the Depository Participants to provide depository services to their clients. 

Q. 2 Who can avail of SPEED-e?
SPEED-e can be availed of by any demat account holder provided it's DP has registered with NSDL for this purpose.

Q. 3 How do I know whether my DP is registered with NSDL for SPEED-e?
You can find out from your DP or you can log on to https://eservices.nsdl.com and click on 'sign up now' to find out the list.

Q. 4 If I want to avail of SPEED-e services, how do I enroll / register for it?
You have two options of password based or smart card-based access to SPEED-e. For password-based access, you should fill up an online registration form by choosing your own 'User-Id' and 'Password' and then submit the duly filled-in registration form in person to your DP. The DP will authorise your request and thereafter you can start using SPEED-e with the User-Id and password. For smart card-based access, you should fill up the 'SPEED-e Application form' available on the SPEED-e website or can be obtained from your DP and then submit the duly filled-in form to your DP. Your DP will register you as a smart card user by assigning a User-Id and help you procure a Smart Card Kit, Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and Personal Identification Number (PIN). Install the Smart Card Kit on to the computer and with the User-Id, DSC and PIN, you can start using SPEED-e.

Q. 5 What is the difference between Smart card based access and Password based access to SPEED-e?
In password-based operation, the access is given on the basis of User-Id & Password. In smart card-based operation, the access is given on the basis smart card and the PIN.
Q. 6 What are the benefits of using a Smart Card ?
  1. Client can transfer securities to any account unlike password users where transfer of securities is permitted only upto three Pre-notified Clearing Member accounts.
  2. Single smart card can be used to access all your demat accounts opened with the same DP.
  3. Facility of Multiple Authorisation.
  4. Freeze / unfreeze of account/ ISIN and / or specific quantity of securities under an ISIN 
Q. 7 What is meant by Pre-Notified Clearing Member accounts? 
Clearing Member accounts are referred to as Pre- Notified Clearing Member accounts.

Q.8. Should this Pre-notified Clearing Member also be a member of SPEED-e?
It is not necessary that the Pre-notified Clearing Member should also be a member of SPEED-e

Q. 9 How does SPEED-e work?
SPEED-e is an Internet website that receives the delivery instructions from the registered users.These instructions are downloaded by the DPs, in batches, from the SPEED-e website for execution in the DP's depository system. The status of execution of instructions is updated on SPEED-e website. 

Q. 10 What are the benefits of SPEED-e?
Convenience of submitting delivery instructions. You can access the SPEED-e website from anywhere in the world at any point of time and eliminates the requirement of physical DIS. 

Q. 11 Can I also view my account on SPEED-e?
Yes. Through IDeAS Clients as well as brokers can view details of transactions and balances in their accounts. 

Q. 12 Who can avail of IDeAS?
IDeAS can be availed of by any demat account holder including Clearing Members.

Q. 13 As a SPEED-e user, how do I register for IDeAS?
Existing SPEED-e users can click on the "Change Service" link and choose IDeAS. DP will authorise your request and thereafter you will be able to access IDeAS with the same 

Q. 14 If I am not a SPEED-e user, as a Client how do I register for IDeAS?
To register as a password user, Client should fill-up an online registration request for IDeAS at SPEED-e website, choose its own User-Id & password and submit duly signed print-out of the form to the DP. DP authorises the request and thereafter with the User-Id and password, a Client can start using IDeAS. In case you want to register as a smart card user, download the 'Application form for IDeAS' for Smart Card Users from SPEED-e website or obtain it directly from your DP. Fill-up all particulars and submit the form to your DP who will assign a User-Id and help you procure a Smart Card Kit, DSC and PIN. Install the Smart Card Kit on to the computer and with the User-Id, DSC and PIN, you can start using IDeAS.

Q. 15 As a broker, how do I register for IDeAS?
To register as a password user, you should fill-up the Application form and Terms & Conditions for Clearing Members for IDeAS available on SPEED-e website (https://eservices.nsdl.com) and send it to NSDL after obtaining DP's attestation alongwith the IDeAS Annual Fee. NSDL will provide the User-Id and Password after which broker can start using this facility. In case you wish to register as a smart card user, you should fill up the application form for IDeAS and obtain DP's attestation. Contact NSDL for procuring smart card kit and submit the form alongwith the smart card to NSDL. NSDL will assign User-Id and issue DSC & PIN. After installing the smart card kit, with the User-Id, DSC and PIN, you can start using IDeAS.

Q. 16 What are the features available to Brokers?
Brokers will be able to view the latest balances and transactions in their pool accounts in respect of settlements, view Holding Statement, view Overdue Statement, allow to download Transaction File & ISIN Master Download:

Q. 17 What are the features for Clients?
Clients can view latest balances with holding value, download month-wise statement of transaction Clients can access IDeAS by password or smart card.

Q. 18 Once I subscribe to IDeAS, does it mean that my DP will stop sending me the transaction statements?
Yes. DPs will discontinue providing physical transaction statements to their Clients However, your DP will send a consolidated transaction statement, in physical form

Q. 19 How frequently IDeAS is updated to reflect the balances and transactions in demat accounts?
The balances and transactions on IDeAS are updated on an online but not real time basis. However, due to some technical reasons, the information may have been updated till the last half an hour. Users must check the latest position with their DPs.

Q. 20 Once I subscribe to SPEED-e, does it mean that my DP will stop accepting paper based instructions?
No. You can submit paper instructions to your DP. 

Q. 21 Can a Power of Attorney holder (POA) operate my demat account through SPEED-e,
Yes. A POA can operate your demat account through SPEED-e. 

Q. 22 If I have several Demat Accounts, can I operate all these accounts through SPEED-e?
Yes. You can operate all your demat accounts through SPEED-e provided your DP has joined SPEED-e and you have registered each of your account separately with distinct User-Ids. Smart card user can use the same smart card to operate all your demat accounts.

Q. 23 Can I convert from password-based access to smart-card based access?
Yes. First you will have to discontinue the password based then apply for smart card-based access.

Q. 24 How does one give instructions from a jointly held demat account through SPEED-e?
For password-based operation, only one user can operate the account. Joint Holders will have to give a POA to one among themselves .For smart card based operation, besides what is stated above, all the joint holders can operate the account independently or jointly using Multiple Authorisation facility.

Q. 25 What should I do if I forget my User-Id?
Approach your DP for revocation of your present User-Id by quoting your Client Id. If you are a Clearing Member using IDeAS as a password or smart card user, please contact NSDL which will provide you the User-Id.

Q. 26 What should I do if I forget my Password?
If you are Client using SPEED-e/IDeAS, log-on to SPEED-e website, submit your User-Id, click on 'Forgot Password' and fill-up an online ' Password Reset Request' form by supplying the new Password, Client Id & other personal details. A print-out of this form has to be given to your DP which will then authorise the Password Reset Request.

Q. 27 Should I change my password at regular intervals?
Yes. For your own safety, you should change your password as frequently.

Q. 28 Can I execute freeze/unfreeze instruction through SPEED-e?
Yes. NSDL has introduced this feature on SPEED-e for smart card Clients only and Freeze request executed by you through SPEED-e cannot be unfrozen by your DP.

Q. 29 What are the charges for availing of SPEED-e/IDeAS services?
NSDL charges the DPs. DPs have their own charge structure for their clients. You can contact your DP for charges. However, for freezing your account through SPEED-e, NSDL has advised the DPs not to charge more than Rs. 125/- per instruction.

Q. 30 How safe and secure is it to execute transactions using SPEED-e?
All transactions executed through SPEED-e are in a safe and secure environment 

Q. 31 What steps have been taken to prevent hacking?
SPEED-e facility is protected by firewall.

Q. 32 Can I access SPEED-e website from a public terminal/cybercafe?
It is advisable to work from your own computer.
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